Sega Genesis – TMNT: Shredder’s Re-Revenge

Note 1: This game is a mod/reproduction cartridge that was played on a JVC X-eye console. It was connected to a 40-inch HD-tv using the Level Hike RGB to HDMI cable.

Note 2: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Re-Revenge is a mod of Streets of Rage 2 that replaces the characters with the sprites from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge, which was released for modern consoles in 2022. The story in the game is also changed to suit the world of TMNT. The original game is an incredible game, and a great love-letter to all TMNT fans. For the purpose of this overview and review, with the exception of a short comparison at the end, the focus will remain on how the game works as a Sega Genesis title.

Note 3: Thanks to those who were able to make this game happen! Both the original and the mod!

8 stages of Beat’ Em Up action await in Shredder’s Re-Revenge!

Genre: Beat ‘Em Up

Players: 1 or 2

Length of Game: Approximately 40 minutes

Stages: 8

Story: Shredder and Krang have taken over the city after the fall of Mr. X. They issue a challenge to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to try to stop them!

Characters: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Splinter, April O’Neal, and Casey Jones are all selectable characters in Shredder’s Re-Revenge. Each character has his or her own unique moves and statistics. Some are speedier and weaker, some stronger and slower, and some more balanced (Leo fits the ‘balanced’ description perfectly). Players can also select the same character!

Evaluate your stats and form the perfect team to take down Shredder!

Options: You can set the number of lives up to 9, and you can select the difficulty from Easiest to Mania (6 total difficulty selections). There is also a ‘Turbo’ option that can be turned on or off in the Options menu; this seems to impact the speed in which your attacks connect with the enemy.

Gameplay: In Shredder’s Re-Revenge, you must fight your way through 8 stages of Beat ‘Em Up action on your way to confronting Shredder and Krang. Each stage ends with a boss fight.

Control: A executes your Special Move, which drains a bit of your health if it connects with enemies. B is your standard weapon attack; hit it successively to execute a combo. C jumps. Pressing B+C (Y if using a 6-button controller) executes a ‘rising’ attack. Pressing Toward, Toward makes your character run. While running, Pressing B executes a dash attack. If you get in close to an enemy, you’ll automatically grab him. Pressing Left or Right + B will toss him away; pressing Up or Down + B will execute a ground slam.

Each character has a unique special move to put the hurt on the enemy!

Items: Money Bags, Gold Bars, Pizza Slices, and Weapons all are uncovered by punching barrels in the game. Money Bags and Gold Bars add to your high score; extra lives are acquired at certain point totals. Pizza Slices come in two variations, small (little health restored) and large (major health restored). Weapons, which include knives and pipes, cannot be carried; however, you can pick them up momentarily, but they will spin out of your hands back to the ground (presumably the Turtles don’t find these as good as there own weapons!)

Enemies: Foot Soldiers of different colors and abilities will attack you throughout the game! Be ready to fight off the knives, whips, and even motorcycles of the Foot Clan! You’ll also fight Stone Warriors, Mousers, Roadkill Rodneys, and others from Shredder and Krang’s army!

Familiar faces will show themselves at the end of each stage!

Bosses: Rocksteady, Bebop, Wingnut, Slash, Leatherhead, Rat King, Shredder, and Krang all await you in Shredder’s Re-Revenge. There is a gauntlet of the once-beaten bad guys in the last two stages.

The original game is considered by many to be a TMNT masterpiece.
How does the Sega Genesis version compare?

Short Comparison to the Nintendo Switch version: The Switch version is obviously superior in terms of graphical capability, sound, number of players, and every other metric used to score video games. The Switch version is longer, has more bosses, options, stages, moves, etc. The Switch version is wide screen (16:9), while the Sega Genesis version is standard (4:3). The Genesis version has larger on-screen characters than the Switch version. The Genesis version does use some of the sound bites from the Switch version, along with the music and other sound effects from Streets of Rage 2.

2 player co-op at its finest in Shredder’s Re-Revenge!

The Southern Gentleman’s Opinion and Letter Grade: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Re-Revenge is an incredible mod of an already amazing game. Personally, and this perhaps speaks more to my age and gaming experience, I prefer this Sega Genesis game to the Nintendo Switch version; I have absolutely no doubt that I will play it more often than its superior counterpart. Is the Genesis version quantifiably better than the Switch version? Of course not! It’s not even close.

And yet…There’s something about playing Shredder’s Re-Revenge (on a cartridge, not an emulator) that may hold an appeal to certain players over modern consoles like the Nintendo Switch. The game itself controls perfectly, is close to the perfect length (not too long or too short), and can easily be beaten by lowering the difficulty (while challenging you on the higher difficulties if you so choose). The characters in the game are beautiful to look at (thanks to the hard work of those who designed the original game).

So what is it that makes the difference? I think, for me, it boils down to this: I prefer the Genesis version because it’s not too busy, and that is a good thing. No unlockables. No game saving. No updates. Only two players max keeps things simple. Online is not an option. 4:3 as opposed to wide screen keeps the action more confined and tight. Sometimes, I think less is more (for some of us, at least). For these reasons, I would give the original game an A+, but also the Sega Genesis mod, Shredder’s Re-Revenge, an A+ as well. If you want to play one heck of a Genesis game, check it out.

TWO Splinters?! Why the heck not?