Turbografx-16 – Neutopia

Note:  I’ve previously reviewed Neutopia II, which aside from some differences that I noted in the review, is a strikingly similar game to the first Neutopia.  The following are some playing tips I’ve created that may help anyone in playing this excellent Turbografx-16 game.  While there is a great FAQ Walkthrough I’ve found online, these are some tips that will simply help you have a better understanding of how to be successful at the game without giving away where to go and what to do.

Neutopia Playing Tips:

1. HEALTH – A quick way to regain your health if your meter is low: When asked if you want a password, say “Yes.” When asked if you want to continue playing, say “No.” On the title screen, select ‘Continue.’  Using either the Password option or File Cabinet option (you can only save to the File Cabinet if you have a TurboBooster-Plus attached to your console, or the Turbo-Grafx CD attachment also has the ability to save), the password will already be entered for you (the File Cabinet really just ‘saves’ your password so you never have to write it down), so simply move the cursor to END. You’ll start back right where you left off with a full health meter!

2. COMPASS & CHIME – Use the compass on the map screen often to (generally) point you in the right direction.  Also, when on the menu screen, listen for a ‘chime’ that will sometimes let you know that a medallion is nearby when you’re in one of the eight labyrinths.  DO NOT FORGET THIS.

3. DISCOVERING SECRETS – To find secret passages, either in the Overworld or in one of the eight labyrinths, try defeating all of the enemies on screen, THEN burning everything in sight with the Fire Wand, or pushing every stone. If you’re lost, don’t forget this tactic.

4. CANCELING CONVERSATIONS – To cancel talking to the residents of Neutopia, press the II button when they begin speaking. This saves time when you’ve already spoken to someone once.

5. AVOIDING GOLD REDUCTION – Try not to die, as dying reduces the gold you’ve collected by HALF.  When in doubt, use the Wings of Return item to go back to the Save Lady to avoid getting killed.

6. MEDICINE – You can carry up to two medicines, (red when the bottle holds two doses, green when it holds one), and DON’T HESITATE TO USE IT WHEN YOUR HEALTH IS LOW.  If you already have two potions, and you (for some reason) pick up another from a shop or find one in a chest, you won’t be able to carry more than the two, and the one you tried to collect will disappear.  So don’t hesitate to use a potion, as you’ll likely find another one again soon.

7. INCREASING BOMB CAPACITY AND LIFE CAPACITY –  You begin the quest with the capacity to carry only 8 bombs.  You can increase your capacity by 4 bombs exactly three times in the game, for a maximum of 20 bombs.  Search every screen of the over world: Some residents just give you advice, but you’ll occasionally find monks to increase your bomb-carrying capacity, residents who will give you gold, or wise men to increase the length of your health meter.  Seek them out.

8. GOLD COLLECTION – Collect as much gold as possible! You’ll need it for medicine and bombs, especially in the back half of the game.  Also, bombs and medicine get more expensive in each of the 4 spheres you visit (Earth, Subterranean, Water, and Sky). It’s often a good idea to return to the Earth Sphere to buy at cheaper rates. *Also, don’t BUY the ring – enemies will drop it often in labyrinths.

9. ITEMS & WEAPONS – Never leave any of the eight labyrinths without finding the treasure! Whether it’s armor, a shield, or another item, you’ll need every item to have the best chance to complete your quest. Also, some important items aren’t in labyrinths, but in bombable caves or hidden stairwells in the Overworld (ex. Steel Shield, Falcon Shoes in the Sea Sphere).  *The Bell of the Sky in Labyrinth 8 opens doors and reveals stairways!

10. LABYRINTHS – Always bring a full stock of bombs and two medicines into every labyrinth!  In the final four labyrinths, use the Wings of Return after you find the compass, key, or special item.  If you’re low on health, this is a good way to keep the items you’ve already collected. Get healthy, re-stock, and return!

11. USE THE FIRE WAND ON BOSSES Seriously, a powered-up firewand works wonders on almost every boss. Think the Crab Boss and that Fake Dirth (Labyrinth 8) are too tough?  Nope, they, and others, can easily be decimated by shooting walls and walls of fire across the screen continuously.

12. PASSWORDS – Write down the password carefully (or use the file cabinet save system if you have a Turbobooster Plus accessory) and don’t get discouraged! Keep at it!